
Auto repair West Bend WI Antifreeze in Engine oil No start

2012-05-07 72 Dailymotion

Auto Safety Center 444 North Main Street West Bend, WI 53090 (262)334-7241 http://autosafetycenterwb.com 1999 GMC Jimmy in the shop for a no start. We start with checking fuel pressure and ignition to the spark plugs - we had both. We scanned the computer for codes - none. Hmmmm carried on with the inspection and saw coolant residue at a loose exhaust flange. We found coolant in the engine oil and probably in the cylinders causing this vehicle not to start. With the amount of coolant we drained from the crankcase the recommendation to the owner of the vehicle was engine replacement. If you need auto repair in west bend wi please give us a call.