Classic Game Room HD reviews STORYBOOK WORKSHOP for Nintendo Wii from Konami. This game comes packed with the Logitech USB microphone (same mic that you get with Rock Band 2). Talk into the microphone and read children's stories like Little Red Riding Hood and the Elves and the Shoemaker. The voices that you read automatically change to reflect the characters talking. For instance, when Little Red Riding Hood talks the pitch is shifted up to sound very high, the wolf sounds deep and menacing. Change your voice to sound like a robot and sing Row Row Row Your Boat and other kids songs. Sae your recordings and play them back later, "paint" with your voice and more. This CGR review of Storybook Workshop for Nintendo Wii has gameplay from Story Book Workshop on Wii showing game play in action with the microphone. Game contains 16 classic fairy tales and four sing-along songs.