
Classic Game Room - RED FACTION ARMAGEDDON for XBox 360 review part 1 of 2

2012-04-28 2 Dailymotion

Part 1 of 2: Classic Game Room reviews RED FACTION ARMAGEDDON from Volition, SYFY and THQ for Xbox 360, also available for Playstation 3 PS3 and PC. RED FACTION! This time it's a bug hunt where you tear mars apart and put it back together again with your Nanoforge. In addition to a challenging and fun single player campaign those who embark on their Red Faction Armageddon on Xbox 360, PS3, PC and OnLive can also play Infestation Mode (which is a survival mode like Horde in Gears of War) and Ruin Mode where you tear everything to shreds for points. This Classic Game Room review of Red Faction Armageddon has gameplay from Red Faction Armageddon showing Red Faction Armageddon game play from Xbox 360 (also for PS3, PC and OnLive) in HD action with gameplay footage.