
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Trainer - PC GODMODE - Steam Cheat April 2012

2012-04-17 139 Dailymotion

Download Link

*UPDATED on DAILY basis (For PC,Xbox360,Ps3 Platforms)
* Work for ALL VERSIONS of the game
* Applicable to Steam/Retail, Razor 1911, Skidrow , Multiplayer and ONLINE versions.
* Easy to use . Simply run it and you are ready to go.
* DO NOT Crash the game like other trainers – you can run it for hours without any error.
*Rated Number #1 Trainer/Cheat/Hack on the net.
*100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Download and Enjoy =)
*User Friendly. Each trainer/Cheat/Hack is accompanied with a simple user guide.

Trainer Options:

Insert – Enable Trainer

Numpad 1 – Unlimited/Infinite Health – GODMODE *HOT*
Numpad 2 – Unlimited/Infinite Mana *HOT*
Numpad 3 – Unlimited/Infinite Stamina *HOT*
Numpad 4 – Add Unlimited Gold *HOT*
Numpad 5- Add Unlimited Lockpicks *HOT*
Numpad 6 – One Hit KO/Instant KILL *HOT*
Numpad 7 -Easy Lockpicking *HOT*
Numpad 8 – Easy Pickpocketing