
How to Add a Videos Folder to the Windows 7 Start Menu

2012-04-10 68 Dailymotion

http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/ Dylan Combs http://youtube.com/windowsguru84 shows off how to add a Videos folder to the Windows 7 Start menu. Windows 7 changed a number of things about the Start menu. One change was the elimination of a Videos or My Videos folder from the list of folders. Instead, Microsoft buried the Videos folder in a customization list that hides the Videos folder by default. In this video Dylan shows us how to add the Videos folder to the Start menu from the Customize Start Menu dialog, which is found in the Start menu properties. Customize Start Menu functions allow you to hide some of the existing folders and links on the Start menu, as well as add in features that should have already been there. In addition to the Videos folder, you can also add things like the Downloads and Recorded TV folders. You can also change each of the options to display the contents as a list instead of simply linking to the folder.