
Drug Addiction Treatment Port Charlotte 855-237-6237 Port Charlotte Drug Addiction Detox

2012-03-25 1 Dailymotion

Drug Detox Port Charlotte http://www.missionunity.org 1-855-237- 6237 3512 Depew Avenue, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 (941) 624-3748 ‎http://www.missionunity.org Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgmrp8eOgVs

Video: http://youtu.be/L0qi_PgTXkI
1-855-237- 6237
Mission Unity Outpatient Detoxification Program
Managing the symptoms of withdrawal.
While participating in our Outpatient Detoxification Program at Mission Unity, you will be under the supervision of Medical Personnel.
This is a 5 to 7 day Outpatient Detoxification, After a successful completion of this program, immediate entry into our Residential Treatment Program will be offered at an adjusted rate.
Detoxification is the beginning of the Recovery Process We are here to assist and guide you on this journey called "Recovered"
Call us right now at Mission Unity Treatment Services 1-855-237- 6237. Help is just a phone call away.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgmrp8eOgVs