
Learn Musical Instruments - Tabla - Basic Syllables

2012-02-13 10 Dailymotion

Buy the Learn To Play Harmonium DVD at: http://www.superaudio.in/classical-music-dvds-learn-to-play-harmonium-dvd-p-4005.html or http://www.musicandchants.com/
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A Harmonium is a free-standing musical keyboard instrument similar to a Read Organ or Pipe Organ. It consists of free reeds and sound is produced by air being blown through reeds resulting in a sound similar to that of an accordion. The air is supplied by hand-operated bellows alternately depressed by the player. The Harmonium represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian music.

This DVD Learn to Play the Harmonium comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the harmonium within the comfort of your home.

1. History and Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Types of Harmonium
4. Structure and Design
5. Tuning
6. Sitting Posture
7. Playing Techniques
8. Fingering Techniques and Basic Lessons
9. Concert Pattern.