
Charlie Sheen booed on Torpedo of Truth tour (查理辛的現場秀「真相魚雷」爛爆了)

2012-01-11 1 Dailymotion

http://www.nma.tv/ Former Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen's Torpedo of Truth tour has sunk like a lead balloon as it makes its way across the US. After being heckled off the stage at numerous venues, tickets that were fetching up to US$158 can now be had for as little as US$18. http://www.nma.tv/charlie-sheen-torpedo-truth-tour-bombs/ 查理辛的巡迴現場秀取名叫「真相魚雷」,還真適合,因為聽說真的是難看到爆。票價曾經喊到美金158元,現在平均一張62元,還有更便宜的票僅僅18元。但本週日,查理辛重出江湖,跟觀眾互動還送走了他的上衣和美金100元,他甚至為之前汙辱同事道歉並說監製其實不完全是個爛人。但查理辛真的改過自新了嗎?