American car company Dodge, made an advertisement with a monkey. When animal rights group Peta saw the video they were very angry and contacted Dodge. Peta said that any use of apes could promote mistreatment, and asked Dodge to not use the monkey in the commercial. Dodge immediately agreed to remove the monkey, and apologized because they had not known about the history of monkey mistreatment. To solve the problem, Dodge agreed to switch out the monkey, and use an invisible monkey instead. That way, Peta was happy that no real monkeys were used, and Dodge was still able to show their commercial. The invisible monkey solution left everyone happy and made the ad popular on the internet. More at SPONSORED 美國道奇汽車公司最近用一隻猴子當廣告明星 動物保護組織PETA看到廣告 非常憤怒 說用靈長類動物來賣車 會導致虐待動物 道奇向PETA道歉 並同意不用猴子 他們想到一個好點子 道奇決定把廣告裡的猴子換成隱形猴子 這樣就不會有虐待動物之虞 可是他們還是可以秀廣告賣車