
Smart Translations Translator for Text Messages Includes 53 Languages

2012-01-05 52 Dailymotion

Think Fast! Can you name the world's largest ESL (English as a Second Language) speaking country?
Have you given up?

It's China. In fact, research points to the fact that by the year 2026 there could be more Chinese and Japanese people speaking English than English as a first language speaking people in the rest of the world in total. Incredible you say? Yes, inconceivable no.

Ask yourself this question, right now. What would you do if you could speak 52 languages today?

Would you expand your business, would you travel more and explore new places, would you move to another Country?

It is currently more than believable, that one day, a U.S.-born business-person will be able to travel the world and conduct their business seamlessly in English wherever they go. But at least for now, most people are still having difficulty understanding each other, and the more associated they are, the more they desperately need Smart Translations.