
God Hypothesis: True or False? ( Opening Statements - 1 of 3 )

2011-12-12 47 Dailymotion

Does God exist? What evidence supports the existence of God? Representing the Muslim perspective was Adam Deen: Adam is a former Islam channel presenter and intellectual activist who has been working in the field of Muslim apologetics for almost a decade. He has contributed to debates on issues ranging from ethics, to religious philosophy and theology. He is a member of the Muslim Dawah Initiative its formed of members from the Muslim community with experience in public speaking, apologetics, polemics, research and community work. He is currently completing a degree in Philosophy at Birkbeck University. He runs his blog www.adamdeen.blogspot.com Representing the Atheist side was Mr. Norman Ralph: Mr Ralph served as president of Leeds Atheist Society Committee. He is now president of the national federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies ( AHS ) The Topic of Debate: God Hypothesis: True or False? Adam Deen (Adamdeen.blogspot.com) vs. Norman Ralph (www.leeds.atheistsoc.org) ( University of Leeds, Leeds, UK 12th May 2009)