
Peace and Violence in Christianity and Islam ( 1st Rebuttals - 3 of 4 )

2011-12-12 31 Dailymotion

Does the Qur'an really teach terrorism? Did Jesus advocate violence in the Bible? Which is more violent, the Bible or the Qur'an? Are terrorists following the example of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)? Is Christianity a peaceful religion? Representing the Muslim perspective was Brother Shadid Lewis, Brother Shadid is a revert to Islam, He has his certification in Comparative Religion from the Islamic Research and Propagation Center. He has studied the Sciences of the Qur'an at the American Open Islamic University in Fairfax , Virginia He is a member of the Muslim Dawah Initiative its formed of members from the Muslim community with experience in public speaking, apologetics, polemics, research and community work. He is currently serves as President of the Hampton Mosque and Islamic Center in Virginia, USA. Representing the Christian side was Mr. David Wood: David is a former atheist, he converted to Christianity after examining the evidence for Gods existence He is a Teaching Fellow at Fordham University, where he teaches Philosophical Ethics He holds degrees in Biology and Philosophy and is coauthor of the book Who Was Jesus? Who Was Muhammad? Two Debates He runs the website www.AnsweringMuslims.com The Topic of Debate: Peace and Violence In Christianity and Islam Shadid Lewis (www.Youtube.com/MrIslamAnswersback) vs. David Wood ( Hampton Mosque and Islamic Center, Virginia, USA May 30th 2009 )