
Peace and Violence In Christianity and Islam ( David's Opening Statement - 2 of 5 )

2011-12-12 36 Dailymotion

Does the Qur'an really teach terrorism? Which is more violent, the Bible or the Qur'an? Are terrorists following the example of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)? Is Christianity a peaceful religion? Representing the Muslim perspective was Adnan Rashid: Brother Adnan is a public speaker, debater and activist. He is presently studying history at university of London. Adnan is a senior researcher for the Hittin Institute and has received popularity through his debates with a number of Christian clergy. He is presently serving as a Khateeb at a West London mosque and has appeared on a number of radio programmes to represent Islam and Muslims. He specializes in the history of Islamic civilization, Sciences, numismatics, ancient manuscript and antiques. He is a public speaker with an experience of delivering presentations on Islamic topics in a number of universities. Adnan Rashid comes from a family of renowned scholars of Islam: his great grandfarher ( Shiekh Minhajuddin Bin Sirajuddin ). Representing the Christian side was Mr. David Wood: David is a Teaching Fellow at Fordham University, where he teaches Philosophical Ethics. He holds degrees in Biology and Philosophy and is coauthor of the book Who Was Jesus? Who Was Muhammad? Two Debates, He runs the website www.AnsweringMuslims.com The Topic of Debate: Peace and Violence In Christianity and Islam Adnan Rashid vs. David Wood (Westbourne Park Baptist Church, London, UK 18th November 2008)