
Food Safety Issues in Transportation with a Food Auditor

2011-11-29 41 Dailymotion

Food Safety Issues in Transportation--Interview with a Food Auditor, Roy E. Costa, President, Environ Health Associates.

The problem of food contamination is widespread.
The food industry shares a common responsibility to ensure the safety of food as it passes through each link in the supply chain.
The transportation sector linkages are essential, but they are previously unappreciated food safety-control points.

Discussion points:

-Transportation and Food Safety
-HACCP-based Approach to Cleaning Food Transportation Vehicles
-Suggested Decontamination SSOP
-Certification of transportation units

For further information, contact:

Roy E Costa R.S., M.S.(M.B.A.)
Public Health Sanitarian and Consultant
Environ Health Associates, Inc.
skype: environ.health.associates
[email protected]