
Obama & Palin Review The Dell Axim X50v Handheld PDA ...

2011-11-28 26 Dailymotion

http://t.co/Psnecfwu -

Obama & Palin Review The Dell Axim X50v Handheld PDA Computer


PALIN: so. barack, what's up dude?

OBAMA: i just bought me a new Dell, Axim, X50 ,v, handheld PDA

PALIN: oh really? tell me about it!

OBAMA: well, it comes equipped with the Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition operating system, with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile, and has an MMC card slots 4 flexible expansion

PALIN: terrific! and how much did you pay for it?

OBAMA: i got it on a huge discount at amazon dot com for only 285 dollars with free shipping

PALIN: and are you happy with it?

OBAMA: of course! and i'm not the only one. 11 customers have reviewed it as a top rated amazon deal!

PALIN: sounds good!where can i see this deal?

OBAMA: just click the link below, you can read all the customer's reviews and get the discount there

PALIN: will do, will do,

OBAMA: yes. you can!