– Ullambana – Remembering the Divine Love that Saves Humanity. Episode: 1795, Air Date: 14 August 2011.
Greetings, wonderful viewers. Once again it is the middle of the seventh lunar month. Once again it is time to rejoice in the Ullambana Festival, an occasion to celebrate the Divine love that helps and saves humanity. The Ullambana Festival has long been a tradition wherever Buddhism is cherished, and is particularly well-known in India, Âu Lạc (Vietnam), China, Japan, Singapore, Formosa (Taiwan) and South Korea. The word Ullambana is a Sanskrit term literally meaning “rescue those who are hanging upside down,” and translates to mean “deliverance from suffering.”
It originates from the tale of Maudgalyanana, a disciple of Shakyamanu Buddha who wished to save his mother from hell. The filial practitioner was only able to do so through the compassionate help of his Master and other spiritual practitioners. Ms. Joyce Lye, co-founder of the