
Exercise and Staying Healthy

2011-11-09 66 Dailymotion

Exercise and Staying Healthy - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats.

Exercise is a really, really great thing that you need to put into your day if you want to try to get fit and get healthy. How much of each of those things? Well, if you really want to get fit, and you have never been fit before, it is going to take a little bit more dedication and output than it would if you have been fit before and you need to get fit again. So, once you have been fit, your body has that muscle memory, literally, about how to do that. So, you need a little less for a little less period of time. So, this is a really great tip for you parents out there, it is get your kids fit early because then they have that muscle memory they go back to. So, how much exercise do you need to get fit? I would say, again, it kind of goes back to what kind of body type are you? What is your genetic makeup? What is your background? Do you come from a whole family line of athletes or do you come from a whole family line of people that like to sit around and watch TV? So, there is a lot of different things that play into that picture.
What you really need to look at is dedication. It is about doing something consistently everyday. There are a lot of people out there that say, “Oh, 45 minutes, three times a week.” I am sorry, that is not enough, and then we are really good about talking ourselves out of that three times a week. Monday rolls around and you think you are going to do it Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Well, something happens on Monday, so you say, “I will do it Tuesday.” Well, something else happens on Tuesday, and it is like, “OK. I will do it Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.” It just ends up getting pushed. My suggestion to everybody, across the board, is get used to this being something you do everyday. We are not talking about swimming the English Channel, we are talking about taking a walk after dinner. It is really, really simple. Try adding in steps. Park way far away at the parking lot when you go to the grocery store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.

Build in extra movements rather than thinking, “I have got to go to the gym and workout and get all sweaty for an hour and then take a shower, and I have got to block this out of my day.” Think about how can you get in half an hour to an hour everyday of extra movement. That will start to get you fit. Beyond that, if you want to build muscle, if you want to start working on competition sports, you are going to need more than that. But that is your basic beginning point for getting fit. The interesting thing is that when you start doing that, you want more of it, and that is what maintains the fitness aspect of it. You become a person who walks. That is what I recommend, become that person. If you think, “OK, I want to look this particular way, or I want to feel like that person,” start living like that person lives right now, you will get there a whole lot quicker.