
Help for Fungal Toenails with Laser Therapy- Toronto Podiatr

2011-10-27 22 Dailymotion

Help for Fungal Toenails with Laser Therapy- Toronto Podiatrist
Sheldon Nadal Doctor of Podiatric Medicine discusses laser therapy for Fungal Toenails
On August 26 2010 our Toronto podiatry office introduced in Canada, laser treatment for toenail fungus or onychomycosis using a 1320 nm YAG laser .
A preliminary study performed in Roseville California indicates that up to 75-80% of patients with mild to moderate onychomycosis or fungal toenails will experience a significant improvement following treatment.
The laser is an alternative to topical medications such as Pen Lac, which has limited efficacy, and anti-fungal pills such as Lamisil or Terbinifine, which have associated side effects.
With our laser, there is usually very little discomfort, anaesthetic is unnecessary and you may walk and resume normal activities immediately.