
Gardening Tips on Growing Plants

2011-10-13 1 Dailymotion

10 Ways to Kill a Plant: 1. Plant it in the wrong place. This is very effective but may take a little longer so if you’re in a hurry, refer to the rest of the list. 2. Don’t water it. Now some of you live where you get frequent enough rain that you don’t need to water, at least not EVERY day like me, but plants need their moisture, some more than others. So ignore that plant and soon you’ll have a crispy little brown specimen. Ask me how I know. 3. Let the weeds choke it out. Now as I’ve said, we do have bindweed here but there are plenty of accommodating plants that can do the job for you. Look Here for the Rest! http://www.ourgardengate.com/2011/09/03/10-ways-to-kill-a-plant/