
Overeating Triggers To Look Out For

2011-10-06 48 Dailymotion

Overeating Triggers To Look Out For - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Today we are going to talk about some of the common overeating triggers that you need to watch out for. The first one is boredom. You do not know what to do with yourself, you are just sitting around, you are fidgeting, what do you do? You go to the fridge. So make sure that you have some activities planned or have a hobby that can keep your hands busy and keep your mind off food. The next one is rewarding yourself. Have you gotten into the habit of treating yourself to a goodie every time something good happens or every time you do something that you are proud of? Maybe you need to find another way to reward yourself other than with cookies or ice cream or chips. The next one is not paying attention to what you are eating. It is very easy to overeat if you are watching t.v., reading a book, playing a game, doing something else while you are having your meal. So turn off the t.v., do not tweet, do not use your e mail, and just concentrate on eating your food and then you would not overeat. The next one is eating by the clock. You really just because it is twelve pm and everybody else is eating lunch does not mean you need to eat lunch if you are not hungry. So really what this means is pay attention to when you are hungry and do not eat just because the clock says it is time to eat. The next one is eating sugar. Sugar is a common trigger for overeating. It is going to throw your blood sugar out of balance and once you get that sweet taste you are just going to want more. Your body is going to want more so the best trick is to never start eating sugar. So those were a few common overeating triggers to watch out for and if you pay attention you can get them out of your life and not gain weight.