
How to Treat Torticollis - DadLabs Video

2011-09-09 28 Dailymotion

About two percent of babies born in the US have a condition known as congenital torticollis. How is it treated? We get suggestions from pediatrician and Baby 411 author, Dr. Ari Brown. The condition is a stiffness in the neck muscles. Baby Zoey demonstrates a few exercises that can help relieve torticollis or wryneck. Just a few seconds of stretching a day can really help improve torticollis. The techniques for treating the neck muscles can be completed in just six weeks. Preemies with toriticollis can be treated in this was as well. Though it sounds bad, torticollis is fairly common and easily treated. Clay Nichols hosts. Ep 805 is brought to you by BabyBjorn