In bigots there is a fierce enmity towards people and they thus are pushing many people towards irreligion with such manners
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In bigots there is a fierce enmity towards people and they thus are pushing many people towards irreligion with such manners.
Certains bigots parlaient du Mahdi (psl) comme d'une légende
The enmity towards the Mahdi movement is one of the reasons of anti-Shiism
People who conduct scientific studies to explain the falsity of the attitude of bigots, of radicals should be supported.
Obama says white people are bigots.
A Muslim can both listen to music and read the Quran. Bigots alienate people from religion
Certain bigot groups follow a hatred policy towards the People of the Book and that is in conflict with the Qur'an. Islam is preached with love and compassion.
Les bigots ont fait que le fait d'être une femme est devenu une faute. Le regard des bigots sur les femmes
Notre Prophète (pbsl) nous a informé que 70 000 savants fanatiques coiffés d’un turban vont lutter contre le Mahdi et qu’ils vont même accuser le Mahdi d’irréligion
Sikhs say bigots confuse them with Muslims