
WoW : Mione Solo Lich King

2011-07-30 127 Dailymotion

Retrouvez toutes les informations sur www.millenium.org

Same actors, same scene, different outcome!

Ironically, this was going to be my last attempt for tonight... :)

LK's main challenges are:
1) Practice of cooldown usage in p1. They're used *very* strictly and if you don't have that practice, you'll probably wipe in p1 endlessly (which is what I initially did)
2) surviving transition phases. This is insane and requires, again, extremely precise cooldown management and positioning.
3) Finally, the obvious DPS race. This fight lasted an exact 15 minutes, not a single second more or less - I spent the whole evening wiping between 11 and 12% and finally, finally did it, through more Vengeance stacking and better play on my part (oh .. and maybe a lil bit crit RNG I guess? :p).

There's no particular clever trick, however, and I honestly think some other solos such as Yogg were *harder* in terms of thinking outside the box. Here I'm basically excecuting the fight as clean as I can, grabbing every possible bit of DPS along the way. However, I didn't encounter any boss so far that was as exhausting as LK was in terms of raw DPS requirements. Especially since, while I do have tons of 391 gear, I'm still rockin' little 372 Akirus. ;) If you think DPS requirements aren't worth of a "challenge", I guess pre-nerf Baleroc/Cho'gall would like a word with you.


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