
http://www.obh.co.uk Old Buckenham Hall Preparatory School

2011-07-26 3 Dailymotion

http://www.obh.co.uk Old Buckenham Hall School or OBH as it is more frequently known, is a leading independent day and boarding preparatory school for boys and girls founded in 1862. Old Buckenham Hall School is situated in the heart of the Suffolk countryside. It is described by the Good Schools Guide as being: "A virtually perfect country prep going from strength to strength", OBH currently accommodates about 175 boys and just over 100 girls between the ages of 2 and 13 years. The school puts great emphasis on a balanced, well-rounded, 'be the best you can' education and is one of the leading preparatory schools in the country. Its pupils do extremely well in the Common Entrance system, going on to a wide range of leading public schools such as Uppingham, Harrow, Oundle and Eton. The school offers a wide range of activities for the pupils including: archery, sailing, riding, clay-pigeon shooting, go-karting and judo. If you'd like to know more about the school or simply arrange a visit then please do get in touch. This video production is by http://www.talkthetalk.tv