
Charlie Veitch interviews David Shayler (1 of 2)

2011-07-21 1 Dailymotion

I met David recently and we spoke for a few hours over dinner. Not knowing what to expect, I kept an open mind and found him to be pefectly sane and a man with a big heart. Meeting him quickly dispelled any worries I had that he was crazy; he spoke very openly about the issues we face, and his time in MI5 (the British CIA?) and his dealings with the Government. If you do a Google search you can find a lot of articles explaining why he is Britain's most prominent ex-Spy. I do not think David Shayler is the Messiah, but he obviously does - and this is why a lot of people think he has been the victim of Mind Control - but my personal interpretation is that here is a man who has been through a lot (working for an organisation which was actively involved in killing innocent people and funding the so called Al-Qaeda) and has been put under a lot of pressure by the powers that be to the point where his spiritual awakening took on the Messianic form. We all respond to immense challenges and pressures in different ways. Of course my personal interpretation does not rule out possible mind control. Regardless of messiahdom, I hope you find him as warm as I did, and that we listen to his views on unconditional love in the face of so much pain and suffering. It may be the case that we are all the "sons of God", and that in David Shayler's case it has taken on a very personal and, to all watching him state to be the latest reincarnation of Jesus, bizarre form. -Charlie Veitch, December 2009