
Cervical Spine Shoulder Girdle Elevation Retraction Rotation Muscles Trapezius patient education art

2011-07-18 9 Dailymotion

Cervical Spine Shoulder Girdle Elevation Retraction Rotation Muscles Trapezius patient education art. Shows lateral and posterior views during upper trapezius contraction and relaxation. Trapezius superior fibres insert into the posterior border of lateral third of clavicle.
Trapezius intermediate fibres insert into the medial acromial margin and superior lip of the crest of the scapular spine.
Trapezius inferior fibres join an aponeurosis that inserts into a tubercle at the lateral apex of the scapular spine.

Trapezius’ clavicular attachment sometimes reaches the middle of the clavicle, and occasionally blends with sternocleidomastoid.

Trapezius motor supply is from the spinal part of the accessory nerve. Sensory innervation is from the ventral rami of C3 and C4. Visit http://www.medilaw.tv for more information. Cervical Spine Shoulder Girdle Elevation Retraction Rotation Muscles Trapezius patient education art.