
treatments for psoriasis - psoriasis remedies - psoriasis scalp

2011-07-13 49 Dailymotion

http://psoriasis.blog102.com - treatments for psoriasis - psoriasis remedies - psoriasis scalp

Professors Predicted I Would Die With Psoriasis.

From The Desk Of: Katy Wilson

Subject: How To Permanently Eliminate Psoriasis?

Dear Psoriasis Sufferer,

My name is Katy and just like you, I've not only
endured suffering from psoriasis, but the
humiliation and social stigma that comes with
it too.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you about psoriasis
symptoms - the maddening itch, the silvery scales
that crack and ooze and start the itching cycle
all over again.

Sure, you can hide it well enough in the winter -
but as soon as summertime hits, you dread walking
out of your house in long sleeves, because sweating
just makes the itching that much worse.

treatments for psoriasis - psoriasis remedies - psoriasis scalp