
CHARLIE VEITCH- Satanist Shill and BBC Sell-Out

2011-07-05 30 Dailymotion

Charlie Veitch is a liar. It's pretty apparent what made him popular. He combined the tactics of other successful truth-tellers to gain trust. This lasted a total of 2 years, which is not long at all when you consider political dissidents are at a historical peak because of the obvious lies told to us as the "official" story of 9-11. While Veitch never focused solely on 9-11, the whole need for this type of indy DIY journalism has sprung from the fact that most people now know w/o a doubt that the media lies to us even more than the politicians do. Veitch has proven through his what he claims is his "alter-ego", Damian Rockefeller, that he is well versed in occult knowledge and rituals. He's obviously intelligent but wants us to believe he had his mind changed about 9-11 in 1 week by B Movie "terrorist experts" and "demolition experts?