
Bulk Bag Unloaders Safely and Accurately Discharge Ingredients

2011-06-16 135 Dailymotion

http://www.nbe-inc.com/bbd This 5-station, bulk bag unloader system combines high-capacity structural construction with a centralized controls and automation architecture to safely and accurately supply to downstream process operations a total of 12 million pounds-per-year of five, combustible input ingredients. Each bulk bag unloader station is constructed of thick-wall, 6-inch by 4-inch carbon steel structural tubing, and heavy-gauge carbon steel plate to meet, or exceed, ANSI and ASME specifications. The controls and automation architecture of the 5-station system uses custom PLCs and HMIs engineered, programmed, and built by NBE to integrate to the process facility's central control system, while also complying with international standards.