
Weddings: Common Mistakes When Creating the Timeline

2011-06-08 376 Dailymotion

Weddings: Common Mistakes When Creating the Timeline - as part of the Wedding series by GeoBeats.

The most common mistake when creating your wedding day timeline is to not allow yourself enough time in between each item. If you are estimating that it is going to take 30 minutes to take your photographs, make sure to allow yourself 45 minutes just in case you want to get some extra shots. Things always take longer then expected and at weddings things always run a little bit behind. So you want to make sure to allow yourself enough cushion time in between each item.

The other thing that you want to do is to make sure to delegate somebody else the responsibility on keeping you on track on the day of. You don't want to be the person that has to constantly check your watch and make sure you are running according the schedule. Give that responsibility to either the DJ or the band leader, or to the on sight wedding coordinator.