
Dentures and Jawbone Shrinkage By Dr. Kenneth Pakman, Dentist, Hatboro, PA.

2011-06-03 24 Dailymotion


In this video Dr. Kenneth Pakman, Dentist, in Hatboro PA, touches on the best
treatment available for denture wearers. After many years of wearing dentures
the Jaw bone starts to shrink making a patient look older. Every 5 to 10 years
patients should consider changing the dentures. Dr. Kenneth Pakman has seen
patients look 10 and even 20 years younger after being fitted for new dentures.
Recommending a combination of dental implants and dentures to preserve the bone
provide more comfort and enhance the look. For more videos visit http://www.youtube.com/user/drkenpakman

Dr. Kenneth Pakman serves Hatboro PA and also, Warminster, Warrington, Abington, Ambler and Richboro.