
Silver (Amalgam) Fillings by Dr. David Shannon, Dentist, Northridge, CA

2011-05-23 91 Dailymotion

In this video, Dr. David Shannon, dentist in Northridge, CA., examines the controversy of silver fillings. Silver fillings are actually a mix of silver with 52% mercury. Heavy metals, such as mercury, and lead have been proven to be unsafe to vital organs as the vapors from the metals leak throughout the body often causing irreversible damage. Government and various industries have banned their use as these metals are also unsafe for the environment. The Dental Association has placed constraints on dentists from verbalizing that mercury is unsafe due to the lack of studies that prove conclusively that silver fillings should not be used. Dr. David Shannon, as a safety measure, prefers not to use silver fillings in his personal use, or for his patients. If a patient is concerned about mercury levels, testing is available.
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