
Kayane in Soul Calibur IV Broken Destiny

2011-05-11 495 Dailymotion

Here is a video recorded by a SC player playing against the Kayane character made by Namco. This is the most beautiful gift for me as a player to have my own name in my favourite video game. This was Daishi Odashima's idea (SC5 productor) to put my name as an AI in BD version. This is very strange to think : "I met the SC5 productor without knowing it when i was a child playing SC1!!" The funny story is : When I was 10 years old, three Japanese players considered as the best SC players in Japan came in France in 2002 to play against us. I only played against one, his name was Yusuke who played Xianghua. I beat him 5-1 and then he had to leave i don't know where, he couldn't talk english or french. Later, he wanted to talk to me and we asked a translator help. So I could talk with him, I remember I was really shy and embarassed, he was such a charismatic person ! At the end he asked me if I would like him to teach me some japanese tips someday, i definitely said yes ! Then, Yusuke has began to work for Namco since Soul Calibur 3. But I didnt know about SC4 or SC4 BD. So when some players told me "Hey ! I saw Kayane as Xianghua in SC BD!!", I was like "I can't believe it !" and then, someone recorded this video to show me, because i didnt have PSP... I felt so lucky, very happy, and very excited for a loooong time ! And then, I was thinking "Who would do that ?" It couldn't be someone else than Yusuke. So I sent him a mail to ask thanks to a translator, and he replied very fast saying that he didn't think I would see the gift so fast, and he's happy I did. So yes, with this reply, there was no mistake this was really for me ! When SC5 has been announced with Daishi Odashima as the productor, you can guess...Yusuke and Daishi Odashima is the same person. World is so small, and I really can't wait to play his game ! He was a player before being a productor, so we definitely can wait for a very good SC5, and I hope it will be the best SC !