
AMT Electronics - Diststation Guitar Pedal Demo - DT-2 ...

2011-04-26 1 Dailymotion

http://bit.ly/AMTdiststation Click for more details and the best price on this awesome guitar pedal! All the other gear used to record this demo: Guitar - http://bit.ly/YamahaPacifica Amp - http://bit.ly/Peavey112Nashville Mic - http://bit.ly/Shure58 Mixing Desk - http://bit.ly/AlesisMultimix8 Software - http://amzn.to/Garageband-iLife11 More pedal demo & reviews here: http://bit.ly/GuitarGearReviewsNGS http://www.nailguitar.com/freetools.html Click for cool guitar freebies! Become a Nail Guitar VIP while your there for secret tips and tricks lessons, updates of new youtube lessons and special offers on guitar training goodies! (Its free) Get free MP3 drums: http://www.givemedrums.com Check out my youtube channels: http://www.youtube.com/NailGuitar - Song Lessons http://www.youtube.com/NailGuitarLicks - Lead Guitar Licks http://www.youtube.com/GiveMeDrums - Mini Lessons http://www.youtube.com/NailGuitarSkills - Guitar Skills Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/NailGuitar Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/NailGuitar Cheers, Andy Looking for a complete step-by-step guitar learning system? I recommend Jamorama, it's huge and very affordable! Check it out at http://bit.ly/JamoramaGuitarCourse AMT Electronics - Diststation Guitar Pedal Demo - DT-2 Distortion Station