
Burger king Whopper FreakOut Commercial Spoof HD ★DSSC★ ...

2011-04-24 5 Dailymotion

★★★★★Featured Pick★★★★★ This is a spoof of the Burger king Whopper Freak out commercial. It is a response video the a spoof made by Asa and Kevin Craft. Check out David's many other sketch comedy and vlog videos at http://www.youtube.com/LaughAndPeeALittle Many more videos on the way! Featuring JohnOllie http://www.youtube.com/johnollie Kevin Craft http://www.youtube.com/craftnation Asa Check Out his Sketch Comedy Videos Playlist at: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A56426A3D7BBCF38 Check Out his Vlog videos playlist at: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6B317E5C7766C829 Check out his "Dear Dave" videos playlist at : http://www.youtube.com/user/laughandpeealittle#grid/user/03E667198707F1F6 Add David on these other sites http://www.facebook.com/pages/David-Spates-The-Actor-Official-Page/160612050617245 http://twitter.com/DavidSpates http://myspace.com/DavidSpates http://blogtv.com/people/Davidspates http://tagged.com/DavidSpates http://youtube.com/LaughAndPeeAlittle Chris The Crackhead & Cockblocking T-shirts at http://www.SnickerTees.com Other Merchandise at http://www.CafePress.com/DavidSpates