
McHale Fusion 2 High Output Integrated Baler Wrapper English

2011-04-21 4 Dailymotion

The McHale Fusion 2 integrated baler wrapper combines two traditionally separate jobs; namely baling and bale wrapping and integrates both baling and bale wrapping into a single operation, which can be done by one man and one machine. Producing up to 60 bales an hour the Fusion 2’s single pass operation increases productivity and reduces operating costs whilst increasing profits. Some features include:
• Compact design – 5.8 meters
• Unique bale transfer
• High Speed vertical wrapping ring
• 23 knife capacity – 50mm chop length
• Progressive greasing system
• Single braked axle
• 50mm Double raced roller bearings on the main load points
• One control console for the baler wrapper which is very user friendly and has a large graphic display

Choose McHale for high output integrated baler wrappers, fixed chamber round balers or variable chamber round balers, round and square bale wrappers and bale handling equipment. For further information visit our website www.mchale.net