
interview - DriveByWire in art uber alles

2011-04-15 265 Dailymotion

DriveByWire operates from the sultry Deventer deserts in Holand; Simone Holsbeek (vocals & guitar) , Alwin Wubben- (low-down-dirty-guitar), and Jerome Miedendorpdebie (beating the shit out of the drumskins)

After being on tour with Cords for a year “The Wire” is back on the road again…..and more supercharged then ever before!

On the four-string bassmachine you’ll most probably find René Rutten ( The Gathering) backing the band up with a carpet of thunderous sub-low sounds. At times Trush will make a special appearance to supply extra unparalleled guitar weirdness.

For those who have experienced the dynamic live performance of “The Wire” fronted by the sensual enigmatic Simone, combined with the distinctive earthshaking guitarriffs from Alwin know what they are in for….for those who don’t:

A beaten up 69 Dodge Charger doing 160 through the smouldering desert towards an raging thunderstorm with Chris Goss at the steering wheel and The Stooges kicking it with P.J. Harvey on the backseat, would be the best possible description of the Drive By Wire sound...ooh yeah!
DriveByWire released their self titled debut album early 2006,followed by the haunting, more atmospheric but at the same time heavy rocking 2nd album “Between Oceans” in 2008. Both albums got great reviews in both national and international press.

Or to do some inevitable quoting:
"a cross between TOOL, Queens Of The StoneAge and P.J. Harvey, but then with a sound and style of their own" And quoting another major music magazine; "One of The Best Stoner Albums Ever Made In Holland" Hell yeah!!