**New* Christmas Golf Gifts for Lady Golfers and Corporate Golf Gifts plus Golf Gifts for Men see www.corporate-golf-gifts.com tel 0044 (0) 1759 304200 email [email protected] we are looking to appoint distributors for our Unusual Patent Pending Corporate Golf Gift and welcome enquiries !
Wholesale Prices : White = £3.19p, Pink = £3.19p, Chrome Gold = £7.22p Chrome Silver = £7.22p Spare Set of Green Absorbing Pads = £0.39p set of 6 pads.
RRP Prices: White = £8.99p, Pink = £8.99p, Chrome Gold = £16.99p, Chrome Silver = £16.99p, Spare Set of Green Absorbing Pads = £0.80p set of 6 pads.
Prices are plus delivery / shipping costs