
Bored Bored Bored!

2011-02-08 1 Dailymotion

This is a song I wrote about relationships in 1983 whilst living and working in Eastbourne on the South coast of England. It has two parts. The first consists of two verses that sound quite serious as they describe two people whose interest for each other has faded. If you relied on this half of the song you might think it was quite mature. I am quite old and certainly don't object to becoming mature at some point in my life. However, in this song the second half is quite the opposite. I up the rhythm and begin a rant about the imagined boring partner which is quite silly and over-the-top.

The best heckle the song ever got was an old man turning to his mate and shouting, 'He thinks HE'S bored!' and the happiest moment I had with it was when some beauty who had chatted through the sensible half at a club turned to smile and listen with renewed interest when the silly part started.

I hope you are more like the beauty than the heckler.