
DOT & FAA Compliance Drug & Alcohol Testing Phoenix

2011-01-27 56 Dailymotion

Norton Medical Industries-Employee Drug Testing-DOT Drug Testing-Drug Screening-Drug Testing-FAA-DOT-DOT Drug Test Policy- Modality of Reporting-Categories of Testing Services

The FAA strives to establish a fool-proof program designed to prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the use of prohibited drugs, or misuse of alcohol by employees who perform safety --sensitive functions in aviation. The employer is required to ensure that all drug and alcohol tests are carried out in compliance with the procedures set forth in 49 CFR part 40. Norton Medical Industries based in Phoenix is a leading provider of drug testing and drug screening services as well as DOT drug testing and employee drug testing. Norton Medical specializes in Drug and Alcohol Programs that comply with DOT and FAA regulations.

Visit: http://nortonmedical.com/locations/collection-centers/phoenix