
Carnes & Associates and Topographic Surveys Topographic Maps

2011-01-24 229 Dailymotion

Anytime you need to build a house, you will first need to hire a professional land surveyor to do a topographic survey. Then they will need to make you a topographic map to give to your architect so they may design your house.
Carnes & Associates is a Land Surveying company, that has been in serving the Santa Clara County for over 30+ years. We are the leaders of experience and cutting edge technology in the field of Land Surveying.
We perform Topographic Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Elevation Certificates, Site Plans, Land Use Planning, ALTA Maps, Marking Property Corners, Legal Description for Easements, Lot Line Adjustments, GPS Surveys and any other surveying related tasks. Give us a call at (408)847-2013. Visit us on the web at http://www.carnesandassociates.net