
Supporting Lamarck: Study Finds Innate Behavior in Worms

2012-02-01 31 Dailymotion

Supporting Lamarck: Study Finds Innate Behavior in Worms
Wonderfest - Stanley Hall
This program was recorded at the 12th Annual Wonderfest, the San Francisco Bay Area Festival of Science.Each week Kirsten and Justin bring science-y goodness to the world in their audio podcast program called This Week in Science (TWIS).TWIS.orgDr. Kirsten Sanford (aka Dr Kiki), has a Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology from UC Davis. She is a research scientist on avian learning and memory and in neuropsychoparmacology at UC Davis. And she is a lecturer on neurobiology and avian physiology.Dr Kiki has become a science media maven of sorts. In addition to being the creator of TWIS since 1999, she is the host and producer of several science programs on the air and on the internet including: The Dr. Kiki Science Hour on the TWIT network, The international science variety program, Brink. She is the popSiren of RAD Science, a program of Revision3 Internet Television, and for Pixel Corps, she produces and hosts the programs called Potential Energy and Food Science.The quick-witted Justin Jackson, is a science aficionado of exquisite mind. On his twitter @Jacksonfly, he describes himself as a snarky science opinionologist, an extroverted existentialist, and a tweeter and podcaster of science-y news.Visit: Wonderfest.org