2010-09-10 1st Journal, Mayan day 3 Deer or Hand ♥ TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace Intro: As a Mayan day 3 on the Tzolkin calendar, this will be a day of flow, just as yesterday, the 2, is a day of choice - of the appearance of a this and a that. Today, these will flow in the union, the sacred unity of the triangle which, in itself, is truly a sacred geometric formation. It needs no religious doctrine or dogma to give it that - it is inherent - simply in its form. But, anyway - what is here to be offered, today? I don’t know. Though I do have some things that are dear or close, anyway, to my heart from this morning’s prayers. May I be the empty cup so that the greatest Light may flow through to you. Enter within - to your heart. Center self there. We talk about deceivers and deceptions, about manipulation and control of the populace quite a lot. I know I do. A great deal of this is apparent - but wait. We think it’s a great deal of it that we are seeing, discovering - but it’s not. It’s only the barest bit we’ve uncovered. The huge bulk of the way we’re manipulated is still quite hidden from view. Now, a good part of this is because we refuse to see. We’ve gotten used to being afraid, so we pull in to the self - batten down the hatches, so to speak. When things seem overwhelming, sometimes - and often - the strategy becomes not to know. No, don’t look - look over there - look anywhere, be distracted - rather than that. This comes from feeling helpless, doesn’t it? That’s what overwhelm is about - the feeling of helplessness. Well, first off, let’s not avoid that feeling. Let’s let it in. Whatever feelings arise for us - these are sacred - no matter the discomfort they may bring. They are gifts... Distributed by Tubemogul.