
Fruit of Your Treks into Heart - Even the Dark Ones are ...

2010-08-31 29 Dailymotion

2010-08-15 3rd Journal - Mayan day 3 Alligator or Crocodile ♥ TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/36695807 ♥ iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 ♥ Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: Interesting. Twice, now, I’ve set out to share a certain thing, and yet the journal has trekked on, where it will. I always go with that, of course. There is nothing this “I” could share with you more valuable than that. So let’s see where this one leads. I still intend to share that same thing. In the last two journals we took two journeys. One, to raise us up, above the whole 3D thing, entirely. For some of you, it may have been the first time consciousness ever rose, willingly, that far above and away from 3D. You may have been surprised to find yourself existing ‘up there.’ - to meet yourself, there. Well, you have existence, already, on all the other planes and dimensions, my friends. When you get there, who will greet you is your Self. That may be a shock for some - especially for those who thought they were on a path - who thought they had to develop into that. Heart takes you off of the path - off of any path at all. It takes you to the heart of all that is. You find, here, that you are already that. You find there’s nothing to do - nothing to be done - you are there, already, where you thought you must travel to reach. Bam! You’re there. And you’ve proven it to self - you’ve had direct experience. No arguing with that. Oh, but of course mind will rise up to argue and fight. Poor mind is terrified by that. It sees itself not needed as much, anymore. It frankly fears its demise. Mind is not stupid, my friends. It sees its upcoming dethroning taking place. It’s fighting that. It’s really quite simple. Perhaps you can see into this a bit better, now... Distributed by Tubemogul.