
Live - Deceived by the Light ? Or rather, Self-Deceived

2010-08-18 109 Dailymotion

2010-08-18 1st - Live journal, Mayan day 6 Seed or Lizard ♥ TRANSCRIPT: Live, so the notes for it are here - http://www.scribd.com/doc/36072021 ♥ iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 ♥ Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: This is my first early-morning journaling straight into the camera, instead of the keyboard. Though a bit awkward at first, I really got into it, and shared some surprising things - things that surprised me to share. I found myself telling how I was most recently deceived by one purporting to be of pure Light. How could that be? How and why was I vulnerable to this? I name this one toward the end - but that is less important, overall, than what is being shared - this is just sharing my heart analysis of how one is deceived. I’m not even asking people to leave off believing in this one I mention. There is nothing more important than following your heart - not mine - YOURS. So, I’m not guiding you into my path. I seek to help you enter more fully into yours. Do you see? That’s why the name of this one doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. Let us all be sovereign beings, together - respecting one another’s way. Let this just be an example of how deception can work. Furthermore, I support the right of this one to do just what he’s doing - he has free will, too. Let’s back off from taking ourselves and our life here too seriously, my friends - that’s of the mind. It’s also unkind, to the self and to Life. So, as we stand back and observe the self - observe the life - we are better prepared to move quickly, and not be ensnared in things for long. It’s a beautiful thing. Remember, you can’t make a mistake. Everything is perfect - even this experience for me. (Be in heart if you hope to have an understanding of this.) I share how these impostors of Light act as vampires of our energy - we’re their herd, and they’ve been milking us of our energy for such a long time... Distributed by Tubemogul.