
yesterdays Colours

2010-08-09 1 Dailymotion

Yesterday’s Colours is a five-minute experimental documentary that captures a sense of time, which most of us have been thrilled by at one point in our lives… that of falling in love for the first time.

A visual montage of love and heartbreak's first feelings, are brought to screen through the eyes of teenage girls, who are currently or have recently fallen in love.

Using a visual and expressive collage of different art forms The documentary aims to portray the feelings and emotions through the girls experiences. Techniques from documentary, fantasy, and contemporary dance are used to capture the essence of this one-off time in our lives.

Screenings and Awards:

Winner of 'Best Lighting' in the Sen3 Film Festival, New York, 2009 - sen3filmfest.com

Winner of 'Best Documentary' in Brighton Student film festival - studentfilmfestivalawards.co.uk

Screened in Manchester's Exposures film festival - exposuresfestival.co.uk

Screened in London's Renderyard film festival - renderyard.com


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