Mubarak Hussain Bin Abul Hashem
A two page Summary of Evidence memo was prepared for Mubarak Hussain Bin Abul Hashem's Administrative Review Board, on 23 June 2005.He faced 8 "primary factors favoring continued detention"
The detainee visited Afghanistan with knowledge that the U.S. was conducting a war in that country.
The detainee provided a false identity to Pakistani authorities.
The detainee maintained his mistaken identity (Al Rauf) from approximately November 2001 until mid-December 2002 when he was visited by a representative from Bangladesh.
A senior al Qaida Lieutenant stated that the detainee looked familiar to him, but he was unable to recall his name, nationality, or other identifying information.
The detainee was employed as an Imam at the Masjid-e-Madani Mosque in Karachi, Pakistan.
The detainee traveled to Kabul, Afghanistan to visit the Sahaba Karan, Mazar-e-Sharif [sic] Monument.