
TIPS Series - Angles - or Angels - of Perception

2010-07-12 40 Dailymotion

2010-07-09 3rd Journal - Mayan day 5 Seed or Lizard ♥ TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/34225097/TIPS-Series-Angles-or-Angels-of-Perception ♥ iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 ♥ Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: All I know about this journal is that it’s another one in the TIPS & TRICKS series - how’s that for strange? It’s strange, to me, anyway. It’s pretty bizarre, really, to sit down to write, not having any idea what will come out. I’ve gotten used to that, though. Now, what is strange is when the title comes first - I still don’t know what will come out, but at least there’s a theme to be seen - caught there in the title. Well, this one’s a little different. I’ve no clue what tips or tricks will be found here - just that hint about what’s to come. Oh well. Strangeness upon strangeness. I rather like life that way - don’t you? Wouldn’t you rather that to stagnation? Well, seeming stagnation. The choice is always there to change whatever is manifesting - or your relationship to it, at the very least. That’s often all that needs changing. What’s manifesting is just fine. It’s just your wrong attitude toward it that’s keeping you from moving on. There’s a lack of acceptance - that old resistance, instead. I know - that one can be hard to get over, get past - but you can, you know. It’s really easier than it seems. Thats just mind that’s been buffaloed, there - into believing some scheme of its own - some conundrum. Oh well. Stick with that as long as you choose to. Just know it’s a choice. You can change. What are you waiting for? Some rescuer, maybe? Perhaps you think you’re going to read just the right thing, or hear it, or see it on video somewhere. Do you find an underlying current like that, there within you? Pay attention to that - and just watch it. It’s lying to you, you know. No need to believe it - just watch. You will see - what needs to be seen... Distributed by Tubemogul.