
modeling under water scene (Sub Water Surface Caustics)

2010-06-13 723 Dailymotion


In this video we will learn how to create "Sub Water Surface Caustics" or you should say "under water scene" so this whole video contains how to create Sub Water Surface Caustics or you should say under water scene.

So this Is a very easy job to creating a underwater scene in 3Ds Max without using any plug-in. so this video tutorial of 3Ds Max shows you how to create under water scene or Sub Water Surface Caustics .

The keys to The keys to creating a realistic subsurface scene will be a water surface animated by waves, in this 3ds max video tutorial we learn how to work with photons, this video tutorial of 3ds max just shows you how to create or model a "Sub Water Surface Caustics" or you should say "under water scene" so you can work on your own modeled pool or something similar to that, so what you need in this project? You just need a pool, three spheres,