
How To Install Wordpress Plugins Automatically - WordpressVi

2010-05-13 63 Dailymotion

This tutorial is continued with full written instructions at http://WordpressVideos.TV

In this video, let's take a look at how you can search, find, and install WordPress plugins automatically within your WordPress dashboard. Now, the first thing you need to do is click on plugins, right? And right beneath there's a link here that says, Add New. So you click on that. Now, there are a few ways you can install plugins to your WordPress blog automatically, and the first is to browse for any Zip format any plugin in Zip format on your PC itself. So you can click on Browse here and you can find the plugin, and then click on Install Now. But in this video, we're gonna look at how to search for plugins based on tags from the plugin directory at WordPress.org, and how to install it automatically to your WordPress blog. So as you can see down here, there are a few popular tags that you can click on to browse all the available WordPress plugins that are tagged with that particular keyword.